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海倫·凱勒(Helen Keller)著作

“Let us Have Faith”


- 慈善素宴晚會限定拍賣品 -

海倫凱勒於1944年寄出信函(含親筆簽名),連1941年印刷之"Let's Have Faith"書籍






· 「雖然這個世界充滿了苦難,但是也充滿了很多解決克服的方法。」

· 「無論處於什麼環境,都要不斷努力。」

· 「忍耐與毅力,最後必勝。」

· 「信心是命運的主宰。」

The item up for bid is a copy of one of Helen Keller’s books, ‘’Let Us Have Faith.” and a letter of thanks drafted by Helen Keller dated April 17, 1944. Helen Keller is an American deaf-blind author, lecturer and political activist. The letter is written and signed by Hellen Keller to the donor to her foundation; the Blind of America. In her book, Keller describes the role of optimism and faith in her life and writes that ‘’security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.” This book is 78 pages long and published by Double Doran and Co Inc (Garden City, New York) in 1941.


About Helen Keller:

Helen Keller was an American author, political activist and campaigner for deaf and blind charities. Helen became deaf and blind as a young child and had to struggle to overcome her dual disability. However, she became the first deaf-blind person to attain a bachelor’s degree and became an influential campaigner for social, political and disability issues. Her public profile helped de-stigmatise blindness and deafness, and she was seen as a powerful example of someone overcoming difficult circumstances.


    “Once I knew the depth where no hope was, and darkness lay on the face of all things. Then love came and set my soul free. Once I knew only darkness and stillness. Now I know hope and joy.”


– Helen Keller, On Optimism (1903)


From the book:

“Fifty-two years ago, a little deaf, mute and blind girl met Anne Sullivan, a half-blind young woman.  As a result of that meeting, the child, despite her handicaps, has seen light in darkness, has heard through the barrier of deafness, and has broken the silence with her voice.”


“Reason hardly warranted Anne Sullivan’s attempt to transform a little half-human, half-animal deaf-blind child into a complete being.  Neither science nor philosophy had set such goal, but faith, the eye of love, did.  I did not know I had a soul.  Then the God in a wise heart drew me out of nothingness with cords of human love and the life belt of language, and lo!  I found myself.”


 From the letter:

“Too often it is forgotten that the blind are men and women with the same feelings and desires as those who see.  But whatever they can accomplish as standard-bearers of life’s greatness in manhood, the community and victory for freedom is to them a proud satisfaction – a light which no darkness can extinguish.”



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